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Zac Brown Band at Cruzan Killed It

As far as first events go, I'm not sure we could have have asked for a better response.

Without exception, everyone at the concert loved Country Shore.

In fact, our only real problem was, we didn't have enough stuff to give out.

In case you missed us, we started tailgating around 6:30.

Given that this was ZBB's second night at Cruzan, we were shocked by how many people showed up - the place was packed.

Katie grabbed passerbiers who were - let's just say "eager" - to rip off their shirts and put on some Country Shore merchandise. The guys more so than the chicks.

Cody went the other route and got in drinking contests, which he won each time and then gave out a ton of merchandise as "consolation prizes."

We're still betting that he just wanted to get drunk.

A huge thanks to Aileen and Amanda for helping us hand out stuff. We could not have done it without them.

We're looking for more helpers, so if you're going to be at the Florida Country Superfest on June 14th or 15th in Jacksonville and want to lend a hand, we'll be glad to make it worth your while in food, alcohol and free stuff!

We did make one mistake last night and that was not taking a ton of photos with our own cameras. We used other people's cameras so we're still trying to collect all the photos.

That said, here is some of what we have (below) and if you have more, please send them to us at our Facebook Page, or #countryshore on Twitter and Instagram!

Cody Swann
Cody Swann
